What ? Linear Algebra in C++, especially in Machine Learning, where almost everybody programs in Matlab ? Yes, because most of the time it's the language used in the industry. And not a bad one to be honest (please no language war here, I know many other languages are good, etc...). So, I'm the new manager of a Linear Algebra library called uBLAS. Yes, you're reading right, the one in the famous Boost libraries.
Boost is made of many libraries, focusing on templates programming and higher-order programming. One of them, uBLAS, is devoted to Linear Algebra. I created a companion website. It's one of the fastest library, however it lacks several things. We're working hard to improve that:
- documentation
iswas poor: I made a new one and still improving, - no small SSE fast vectors, no GPU: we working already on this.
- I will change products prod(m1,m2)to a nicer m1*m2 directly.
- a new impressive assignment operator: it's easier and more powerful to fill in you matrices than Matlab now!
The new version 1.44 is out now, with a lot of improvements and it's just the beginning of the story. I invite everyone interested in linear algebra in C++ to join the project.